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Valentine House new Home Manager hand-picked by resident group

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At Black Swan Care Group we are always trying to find ways of ensuring our residents' voices are heard in every area of the company, so it was important to us to ensure they have their say on the homes future manager. 

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Emma Galvin, former deputy manager of the home was hand-picked by our resident group out of a selection of applicants, to become the homes new manager. 

Emma told us what an honour it was to be selected by not only the management team but also the residents themselves:

"I feel very honoured that the residents panel had an involvement in choosing me, I`m looking forward to the future of Valentine House and to be apart of their happy home". 

Emma, along with a selection of applicants attended interviews with the homes Regional Manager Ria Odgers, before being shortlisted for the role. Once down to the final three choices, we handed responsibility over to our amazing resident panel to make the final decision. 

Three of our residents took part in the panel and asked the applicants questions relating to the home that mattered the most to them. We think it's incredibly important to actively involve our residents within our decision making, as we are here to work for them and provide them with the best place to call home. 

Regional Manager Ria Odgers told us why she felt passionately about getting our residents involved:

"At the end of the day it is their home and the Manager will be responsible for the running of their home. I feel it is empowering for our residents to be involved in the interview process". 

Our resident panel was made up of three lovely ladies who volunteered to represent the resident group as a whole within the Q&A panel discussion. They thoroughly enjoyed being a part of the decision-making process and felt that they had found the perfect manager for the home. 

Sheila Beard, from our resident panel, said:

"I thought the resident panel was a very good idea I enjoyed being a part of it and I'm happy with the decision that was made". 

Ellen Horsted who also volunteered to be involved told us:

"I thought it was a good idea and didn’t mind helping, I think the right one was picked and am looking forward to seeing the future". 

Jean Shales told us:

"I liked the idea and liked to have my say, I knew she would get the job and I'm very happy with the decision". 

We are over the moon to see Emma rise to the occasion and become the Registered Manager of Valentine House. It is important to us that our residents are at the forefront of everything we do, and having them involved is something we are very passionate about.