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Top Tips for Coping in a Heatwave!

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We wanted to ensure all of our residents, staff and the wider community were as safe as possible in the upcoming heatwave - so we've released some top tips on staying sun safe and hydrated this July! 

Each of our care homes has put together a Hydration Station in the communal areas of the homes, allowing residents to access refreshments and hydrating snacks at a moment's notice whenever they like.

Within our hydration stations, we also include some essential summer items with each of our services provided with a collection of fashionable wide-brimmed hats, and a selection of stylish sunglasses ahead of the event, to ensure everyone was being sun-safe! 

Here are some of our top tips on staying hydrated during the heatwave: 

  1. Avoid long periods of time in direct sunlight, especially during the sun's highest point in the sky.
  2. Ensure you are wearing appropriate UV protection in the form of sun cream.
  3. Make sure you avoid sunburn by wearing a wide-brimmed hat and sunglasses when in direct sunlight.
  4. Ensure you are making smart drinking choices such as water and fruit juice - carbonated fizzy drinks do not hydrate you as much as H20!
  5. When doing physical activities such as gardening or exercising, you will need to increase your fluid intake in hot weather to compensate for the fluids lost in sweat.
  6. Avoid salty and processed foods which can actually make you feel more dehydrated, and eat healthy hydrating snacks like fruit and ice lollies!
  7. A cool shower or bath can lower your core body temperature.
  8. Keep a wet towel to place on your head, and wipe away sweat.
  9. Open the windows and get the air circulating, or use a fan!

For more information on how to stay sun-safe and hydrated throughout the upcoming heatwave be sure to check out the NHS website here for all the latest advice and guidance.