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Black Swan supports World Menopause Day

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Black Swan Care Group is proudly supporting World Menopause Day on Wednesday 18th October.

Did you know:

  • More than 70% of women experience menopausal symptoms.
  • There are more than 30 recognised symptoms of menopause which can be debilitating and life-changing.
  • Approximately 50% of women seek help from a GP.
  • More than 60% don’t feel there is a GP at their practice knowledgeable enough to help them manage menopause symptoms.
  • Only 1 in 4 women say they feel prepared for menopause.
  • Approximately 1 in 10 women have left the workplace due to menopause symptoms.

In support of the #MakeMenopauseMatter campaign, we are linking with Menopause Support, who are a purpose over profit organisation, founded by Diane Danzebrink in 2015. Diane is one of the UK’s leading campaigners for change in menopause education and awareness. She is a qualified personal therapist and wellbeing consultant with professional nurse training in menopause.

Menopause Support believes that every woman should have access to factual, evidence based, non-biased information, education, advice and emotional support to empower them to take control of their health and wellbeing during perimenopause, menopause and beyond. 

There is a huge amount of information, guidance and support available on the Menopause Support website – www.menopausesupport.co.uk, including this useful guidance booklet: Read or download our new guidance booklet  – menopausesupport.co.uk and an animated film which aims to help to understand menopause: Cycle of Change – a short animated film about understanding menopause – menopausesupport.co.uk.