01603 507 596   Email: headoffice@blackswan.co.uk

Black Swan Care Group welcomes more visitors back into the homes from today!

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In accordance with government guidance,  our residents are now able to have up to 5 nominated visitors each visiting them in the homes.  

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This is an amazing step forward for our residents who have been missing face-to-face contact with their loved ones for quite some time due to visiting restrictions throughout the Coronavirus pandemic. 

Throughout the pandemic our residents were able to stay in touch with their loved ones in a number of different ways with window visits; socially distanced visiting areas, Skype and Zoom as well as essential caregiver roles, and our 2 nominated visitors which have been in place since April 2021. 

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We have put a real focus on ensuring our residents have had continuous contact throughout the pandemic wherever possible, but being able to hug their family and friends is something they've missed and we're so happy to be able to see this happen again. 

Nominated visitors need to be officially listed with the home's manager, to ensure compliance with guidance and regulations set out by the Care Quality Commission. All visitors will be given a Lateral Flow test prior to entry, and entry will only be given upon a negative result. Full PPE will also be provided to every visitor to ensure compliance with guidance to ensure the highest levels of safety for our residents, staff and visitors.